مقاصد ِ شریعت اورمروجہ تکافل
Objectives of Shariah and Prevalent Takaful
Rules of Shari'ah,Takaful,Zakat, Ushr,Ejtihad,Philosophy Justice,Al-Barr, and Taqwa.Abstract
Allah Almighty granted through Hazrat Muhammad(ﷺ) humanity the rules related to society and economy, halaal and haraam, politics, justice and morality for the attainment of lasting prosperity and prosperity. This Shari'ah is a beautiful combination of comprehensiveness, perfection, and universality, which is the guarantor of prosperity for humanity till the Day of Judgment. Along with the rules of Shari'ah, Allah Almighty and the Beloved of God/ Prophet have made humanity prosperous with the benefits, advantages, and benefits of these issues. Knowing these purposes of Shari'ah makes it easier to follow them and the acts of worship are performed as the right of Allah Almighty. The aims of Shari'ah have been made one of the conditions of Ijtihad. The basic philosophy of financial acts of worship (Zakat, Ushr, Sadaqah, Atiyah) is to benefit the weaker members of society and alleviate their misery through the spirit of benevolence and compassion. The prevailing Takaful, which is based on the Qur'an and Hadith, teaches mutual sympathy, cooperation, and support (moral and financial support) in case of difficult situations and accidents of the members of the society, keeping in view the cooperation of Al-Barr and Taqwa.