Islamic dyke against the social evils and global powers misunderstandings

Islamic dyke against the social evils and global powers misunderstandings


  • Dr. Muhammad Bahar Khan Assistant Professor, Department of Pakistan Studies, Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, KPK, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Associate Professor, Department of Pakistan Studies, Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, KPK, Pakistan.


devaluation of Jihad, opposite the nuclear development, seas governance, sow seeds of discord and dissension.


After ending the Cold War dramatic changes in peoples' identities started. The symbols of those identities led the world to new global challenges. Global political reconfiguration along cultural lines began. Upside-down flags’ sign of the transition was a clue of the global changing policies. But with the passage of time the flags are flying high and true secrets are being searched. Nations are discovering new identities but often are clinging to olds. Similarly it is being marched under new directions of political thoughts but often old flags are leading to wars and conflicts with new challenges but often old enemies are changing their policies’ directions. Even in 21st century, instead of presence of civilized democratic system old enmities under all kinds of prejudice are growing with misunderstandings. In the meanwhile some secret but strong figures under the shade of international leading powers’ umbrella are marching to get their desired purpose all over the world. In this attempt they are ignoring the ethics intentionally because they want to achieve their economic, trade, social and political purposs with monopole strategies for the matinance of their global ruling and leading. The aim of this article is to highlight the misunderstandings between western and eastern thoughts in the concern of religious and related to its disciplines and fields.




How to Cite

Muhammad Bahar Khan, D., & Muhammad Rizwan , D. (2022). Islamic dyke against the social evils and global powers misunderstandings: Islamic dyke against the social evils and global powers misunderstandings. International Research Journal of Religious Studies, 2(1), 27–42. Retrieved from