علم جرح و تعدیل میں امام ذہبیؒ کی خدمات کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

(A specific study of Imam Adh-Dhahabī's Contribution in ʿIlm e-jarḥ-e- wa-Taʿdīl)


  • Dr. Shahzada Imran Ayub Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Division of Islamic & Oriental Learning, University of Education, Lower Mall Campus Lahore.
  • Hafiz Muhammad Masood Ahmad PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Division of Islamic & Oriental Learning, University of Education, Lower Mall Campus Lahore.


Ḥadīth, or the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), is equally authoritative as the Qur'an. After the Prophet's demise, it was his companions, their adherents, and subsequent generations who continued to compile and preserve ḥadīth. Alongside this custom, the discipline of study known as "ʿilm ul-jarḥ wa al taʿdīl" arose to verify the authenticity of ḥadīth and its putative transmitters. The Qur'an emphasizes the importance of verifying information, instructing adherents to investigate matters. It ensures that all information is based on firm evidence and insight as opposed to ignorance and bias. The article in question, examines Imam Adh-Dhahabī's contributions to the discipline of "al-jarḥ wa al-taʿdīl" (criticism and authentication of narrators). Imam Adh-Dhahabī is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost authorities on ḥadīth and ilm ul-jarḥ wa al-taʿdīl. This article summarizes the biography, education, and pedagogical endeavors of Imam Adh-Dhahabī. This article, titled "A Critical Review of Imam Adh-Dhahabī's Contributions to Jarh wa Ta'dil," focuses primarily on analyzing Imam Adh-Dhahabī's contributions to the field Ḥadīth and ilm ul-jarḥ wa al-taʿdīl, as well as his concepts and criteria for conducting critical analysis and authenticating ḥadīth, along with a description of Imam Adh-Dhahabī's publications and compilations in these fields. His contributions to the discipline of ḥadīth narration are also highlighted. In conclusion, the paper examines Imam Adh-Dhahabī's academic standing and the effects that his work had on his contemporaries and the generations that followed.




How to Cite

Ayub, D. S. I., & Ahmad, H. M. M. (2023). علم جرح و تعدیل میں امام ذہبیؒ کی خدمات کا اختصاصی مطالعہ: (A specific study of Imam Adh-Dhahabī’s Contribution in ʿIlm e-jarḥ-e- wa-Taʿdīl). International Research Journal of Religious Studies, 3(2), 1–21. Retrieved from https://irjrs.com/index.php/irjrs/article/view/49