
  • Asad ullah Mphil Scholar department of pakistan studies Abbottabad university of science and techonology.
  • Syeda Ayesha Mphil Scholar department of pakistan studies Abbottabad university of science and techonology.
  • Dr Imran Naseem Assistant professor department of pakistan studies Abbottabad university of science and techonology.
  • Dr Muhammad rizwan Associate professor department of Pakistan studies Abbottabad university of science and Techonology.


The influence of climate change is physical through every place of the globe, particularly in South Asia. Life-threatening weather happenings and rising sea levels clearly highpoint the serious need to statement this demanding issue, as it attitudes a significant threat to humankind's survival on Earth. South Asian nations, for the most part Pakistan, find themselves at the front of this conflict against climate change, with sweeping implications on many fronts. Climate change upsets not only the surroundings but also foreign policy dynamic forces, as poor states fight to navigate its complex challenges. The harmful gases, pollution in air, and the glaciers melting of are all contributing to global high temperature disparities, mostly driven by human activity. In Pakistan, the influence of climate change is baldly evident. Growing temperatures, melting glaciers, rough rain patterns, air effluence, and punishing weather events are reformatting the nation's land. These changes are troublemaking farming, water dearth, trade, health, and international coalitions, thus influencing the country's foreign policy decisions. the economic aftermaths are severe, predominantly in Pakistan, where agriculture forms the backbone of the expensive, engaging a important portion of the workforce. The melting of glaciers, a decisive water source, has led to land dreadful conditions and flooding, impairing the situation. South Asian countries, comprising Pakistan, are on the front lines of climate change, lacking fast action to mitigate its impact. Worldwide cooperation, political efforts, and engagement in regional promises are crucial in addressing this global challenge. Through cooperative creativities, policy development, and public awareness campaigns, South Asian countries can work towards a supportable forthcoming amidst the complications of environment change.To hold climate change efficiently, it is authoritative to include climate aspects into foreign policy development, spend in climate international relations capacity building, and raise regional cooperation. By placing climate rigidity and sustainability, Asian  nations can navigate the difficult affiliation between environmental challenges and insightful responses, stonework the way for a more secure and wealthy future for generations to come.  


Climate change, south Asian countries, foreign policy, comparative analysis, implications 




How to Cite

Asad ullah, Ayesha , S., Naseem, D. I., & rizwan, D. M. (2024). IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON FOREIGN POLICY OF SOUTH ASIAN COUNRTIES. International Research Journal of Religious Studies, 4(1), 86–95. Retrieved from